How to Encourage Honeybees to Build Comb

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When you really think about it, a honeybee colony in itself is mind-boggling. It is a self-sufficient unit with tens of thousands of buzzing bees grouped into various categories, with each given its unique role within the colony. Honeybees carry out all manner of tasks that are essential for the survival of their colony. One such task is the building of honeycombs. While honeybees will do so naturally on their own, there are things that beekeepers can do to encourage bees to build comb more quickly. In this article, we will be discussing how we can encourage bees to build comb.

Once built, honeycombs are used over and over again by the bees, and this is very advantageous for them. Nonetheless, plenty of work and energy is committed to building new combs in the beginning. A new colony in particular has a lot to do before the hive is up and running. Wax production in particular is a hurdle for the bees. It takes up a lot of energy. As a beekeeper, you tend to be excited during the onset of spring since it is time to enjoy the fruits of your labor, but have you ever considered helping your bees make it easier to build and build the combs? Well, this is possible. You can be part of the honey-making process too. You should not only encourage new colonies to build combs, but you also have to support already established colonies.

Reasons to Encourage Honeybees to Build Comb

There are times when the bee colony is weakened for a number of reasons. Firstly, instances where the bee colony is split in order to create a new colony. In this case, the bee population is tremendously minimized, forcing the bees to work much harder at building combs and feeding the colony. The few bees that remain post-swarming have to work much harder compared to the larger number that was there before.

Secondly, swarming may also pose a serious threat to the bee colony. An established colony may become greatly reduced in number due to swarming. It is at this time that it also proves wise to support the bee colony in building the combs. Swarming is common in late summer and this is a time when the cold months are near. The bees will then be forced to build new combs and fill them with food as fast as possible.

The Making of Honeycomb

The honeybee secrets wax from the pores on its abdomen. This accumulates as flakes on the body which is then chewed up. This process will be done independently or as a team. While chewing, the wax is mixed with saliva until it is soft and moldable like clay. This will then be used to make the hexagon-shaped honeycomb.

The honeycomb is naturally U-shaped, with a wider top and a narrow bottom. Honeybees are able to make perfectly-matching cells, and it is only in exceptional cases that the combs are built in the wrong place. When this happens it becomes a challenge to tear apart the frames. The wax used for making the honeycomb cells remains in its solid state and will rarely melt. This can be explained by the temperature regulation undertaken by the bees. The fanning motion used by the bees helps ensure the wax retains its natural state even during extremely cold weather. When temperatures are too high, some of the bees will leave so as to minimize the heat within the hive.

Wax has to remain within the optimal temperature where it is usable. If it becomes too warm, the wax will melt and become unusable. On the other hand, if it becomes too cold it will turn brittle and become impossible to mold. Fortunately, bees are able to regulate the temperature and this ensures wax remains in the required state.

The Comb Building Problem

How to Encourage Honey Bees to Build Comb

One of the biggest conflicts between the beekeeper and honeybee colony is the comb building problem. The beekeeper is driven by the desire to produce excessive honey since that means more profits. However, the bees are not obliged to produce excess honey without a reason. Naturally, they are driven by changes in seasons and the colony’s needs. What this means is that more combs will be built when a colony is much bigger and food demands are high. The onset of hardier seasons means that food reserves should be in plenty. Therefore, the bees will begin to draw combs faster and store more food as they prepare for the months when nectar and pollen are scarce.

With that said, it becomes much easier for the beekeeper to comprehend the comb building process in the honeybee colony. It however does not mean that it is impossible to induce bees to draw combs faster. Honeybees can indeed be encouraged to build combs.

How Fast Do Bees Usually Build Comb?

The honeybee is one of the most organized insects alive. All activities within the hive are pre-determined and bees work based on their plan. It is, however, in most cases, the beekeeper who interrupts this natural plan of the bees. If you observe a honeybee colony when in operation you might think they are programmed robots that undertake assigned roles. This is not far from the truth, bees are extremely organized and that is why they may thrive no matter the colony size. Honeybees are categorized into various groups which include: queen, worker bees (females), and drone bees (males). The worker bees make up a bigger portion of the honeybee population. Also available within the hive are the eggs, larvae, and pupae. For more on this, read our article on Understanding the Honeybee Brood Nest.


The speed at which the combs are built will depend on colony size. The larger it is, the easier it is to get the work done. The number of individuals available within the honeybee colony at any given time varies based on seasonal changes. A colony can harbor up to 80,000 bees, especially during peak season. At this time the worker bees work tirelessly in collecting pollen and nectar as they prepare for winter months. The population declines as the seasons become tougher. This means that the comb building takes a shorter time when the colony is at its largest and vice versa when the colony population is at its smallest.


Honeybees produce wax for building the combs when they need it. At times they build the comb much faster and at other times they take much longer to do so.

A younger worker bee population are the most productive when it comes to the production of wax and the building of combs. These are the bees that are 10 to 18 days old. The wax glands usually excrete liquid wax which when dried turns to scales or clear flakes. These wax flakes are picked by the worker bee and build hexagon cells using its legs and mouth.

All worker bees are capable of producing wax and building honeycombs. This can be noted whenever there is a drop in the bee population for a number of reasons. For instance, queen problems can result in a decline in the population of young worker bees. The older bees would then be forced to become wax producers. While they can get the job done, they’ll be a lot less efficient at it than younger worker bees.

Beeswax Production

There is a direct relationship between good beeswax production and good comb building. Comb building relies solely on the beeswax produced. This, therefore, means that a better production of wax will translate to quick comb building. The female worker bees are responsible for the production of the beeswax. This is made possible by the organs at the lower side of their abdomen. In total, there are 4 pairs of glands that produce wax in the worker bee. The other bees such as the queen and drone are not endowed with these glands and thus perform other duties within the beehive.

How Long does it take for Bees to Draw Comb?

How to Encourage Honey Bees to Build Comb

As we have mentioned, the goals of the beekeeper will in most cases differ from that of the honeybee colony. The main motive for most beekeepers is to get excess honey from the beehive, to sell for profit. The bees on the other hand desire to multiply in numbers and then swarm. They are also driven by the urge to keep sufficient amounts of honey for the colder winter months when they have to be content with staying indoors.

It takes so much effort for the honeybees to draw a single comb. Remember the bees are never lazy and neither are they wasteful. They have to commit a lot of time and energy to producing wax and shaping the comb. They will only do this when they deem it necessary. This may explain why sometimes the beekeeper might find it hard to get them to draw comb.

As stated above, a larger honeybee colony will draw comb faster when compared to a smaller colony. This can be explained in two ways: first is the fact that a larger colony is made up of younger worker bees. These are more energetic and work faster. Secondly, a larger colony is driven by the need to collect and store more food for the huge population. Otherwise, it proves impossible to make it through the colder months when nectar and pollen are scarce. The need for more food stores is what drives the bees to draw combs faster.

How Long does it take Bees to Draw Out a Frame?

Several factors will affect how fast a frame can be drawn by the bees. These are explained as follows:

1. Nectar/syrup flow

It goes without saying that well-fed bees are much stronger and more productive and will take a shorter time to draw a frame. The season of plenty is the best time when the honeybee colony builds up comb and stores surplus food for hardier months.

2. Number of bees

They say numbers never lie and this will apply to the honeybee colony. A larger number of bees mean more foragers at their disposal. This also means a healthier queen that can produce more eggs to sustain a strong bee colony. It also means that the strong colony can defend itself from invasion. Such a colony is able to draw a single frame much faster. Food reserves will also be abundant for such a colony.

3. Age of the bees

Worker bees are most productive during their early stages of life. At this time their wax glands are at peak. Remember, comb and frame construction relies on the availability of wax. It, therefore, means that a younger bee population will draw a frame much faster than an older group of bees.

4. Temperature

Comb building can never be possible if the ideal temperature level is not maintained. Bees use wax when building combs and this is brittle when subjected to cold temperatures. There might be a higher population of younger bees that produce the required amounts of wax. However, the wax produced cannot be used unless the right temperature is in place. The ideal temperature level is 95 degrees F and this means it is not possible to make combs during cold seasons.

5. Time of the year

The honeybee colony is highly dependent on seasonal changes. Bees rely on water, nectar, and pollen for their survival. This means that an abundant flow of these foods will result in more comb construction which means faster frame building. The bees will naturally focus on comb construction and food storage during the nectar and pollen flow. Once colder months come in, the colony will rely on food reserves. This is why it is wise to provide supplementary feed to the bees whenever possible. Never wait for the tough months so as to supplement food.

With that said, if all are perfect for the bees, it will take 1 to 2 weeks for a strong colony to draw out all the frames in a honey super. In fact, some colonies can take less than a week even though this happens rarely.

How to Encourage Bees to Draw Comb Faster

How to Encourage Honey Bees to Build Comb

There are many strategies to employ if you desire to compel bees to draw comb faster. A popular one is proper feeding. Well-fed bees are in a better position to not only build solid combs but also establish a strong colony. Normally, bee feeders are removed when they are no longer needed. However, if you really want to speed up the comb building process, you can consider using a feeder even when natural nectar is plenty. After the bees have drawn out all the frames you can then remove the feeder.

Some of the ways to encourage bees to build comb include the following:

1. Plenty of Nectar

Beeswax is the main ingredient for building combs. The bees will be able to produce plenty of wax after consuming large quantities of honey. The honey is converted into wax by the fat cells. Pollen also plays an important role when it comes to the production of wax and ultimately combs. Worker bees will consume plenty of pollen during their first days of life. This pollen is used for the development of fat cells. In the absence of a natural source of pollen, pollen patties can be utilized.

Key to note also is the festooning process in bees. This refers to the way younger bees hold on to each other and hang in chains when building the combs. Plenty of honey is required for them to do this. If the beekeeper is not careful, he or she might interrupt the construction process when inspecting the hive.

Proper feeding will ensure the bees produce large quantities of honey and wax required for building more combs.

2. Temperature Levels

Honeybees are highly responsive to temperature changes within the hive. Colder months are the most challenging for them since they consume plenty of honey so as to be able to generate the heat required for survival. The bees naturally regulate the temperature within the brood nest. As earlier mentioned, beeswax is required for building combs and during cold months, warm temperatures are required in order to make the wax usable.

The optimal temperature for molding wax is approximately 95 degrees F. When temperatures drop substantially, it becomes almost impossible for the bees to build comb. When it is too cold it comb will not be a priority since less food is brought from outside the hive. The colony will only rely on food reserves and it becomes impractical to build combs at this time.

3. Seasonal Changes

As the beekeeper it is important to understand the changes in seasons and its effect on your beekeeping enterprise. Different seasons affect how easy it becomes to get bees to draw out the foundation. The peak season for comb building is spring. At this time the bee colony is driven by nature into building more combs in order to increase the hive population and possibly swarm. It, therefore, becomes so much easier for the beekeeper to get the bees to draw combs during spring.

It is therefore wise to ensure most of the frames of foundation are utilized earlier in the year and a few are kept aside for later use. This does not mean the bees will not draw comb during other seasons. It only means that the bees are more active when it comes to drawing comb during spring, unlike other seasons. It is still possible to get the bees to draw comb faster using other strategies.


If you have ever picked a swarm of bees in order to introduce it into a new box, then perhaps you noticed how fast they can build combs. A honeybee swarm will always be one of the best ways to encourage bees to build comb. The workers of the swarm are always ready to establish a new colony and get settled into their new home.

Swarms seem supercharged when it comes to building combs since they leave their old home with wax glands primed. Once they land on the new hive, they will draw comb and continue for as long as they are fed. You can take advantage of this and have the bees draw a few extra frames which you can utilize later.

Sugar Mixture

The right sugar mixture will encourage wax production which is crucial for building combs. Make use of a feeder even when the nectar flow is at its peak. The bee colony will use the feeder at all times, night or day. Proper feeding is greatly advised especially those who do so in order to encourage comb building.

The proper ratio of sugar to water that will stimulate natural nectar is 1:1 sugar/water. If this is adhered to religiously, bees will build new combs much faster. Bees tend to conserve the stored honey and will never consume it in an effort to build new combs. New food sourced outside the hive will encourage bees to build new combs since more combs have to be created in order to store additional food. Apparently, it has been established that bees are not stimulated by stored honey to build new combs. It is important to note however that honey produced from sugar water is not very good. Therefore feed with sugar water when a foundation super is added. This will help the bees get started and not rely solely on the sugar water in making the honey.

Baiting up in New Boxes

A honeybee colony that seems difficult to move into a new box can be encouraged to build new combs through baiting. This is simply a way of picking up a honeycomb full of honey and placing it in the new box in place of an empty foundation frame. This will attract bees into the new box.

You can do this whenever possible but just be conscious that the honey from the replacement frame should not be consumed if it had been treated for mites. A sure solution would be to, later on, switch back the frames when the bees have fully occupied the new box.

Make use of Young Worker Bees

A honeybee colony that is made up of more young worker bees take a shorter time when it comes to building combs. They prove to be essential when it comes to hive splits or requeening. Young worker bees produce plenty of wax and this is important for comb building. You should therefore utilize this. Place empty frames in boxes that have younger worker bees.

Hive Swap

This is one of the simplest techniques you can use to draw combs faster. It simply means utilizing a stronger colony through swapping. You can take heavy foragers from a stronger hive to a weaker one. What this means is that you check out hives that draw combs faster and those that seem to take longer. Once you have identified poor-performing ones, you change locations for the hives. This should be undertaken during sunny days. Large foraging teams that power stronger colonies will draw combs faster.

How to Encourage Bees to Draw out Plastic Foundation

How to Encourage Honey Bees to Build Comb

Ensuring you have a better chance for the bees to draw out plastic foundation, requires some knowledge of honeybee biology and how they behave. Wax is an important part of comb building. The bees can never build combs without wax. This wax is produced by the glands located under the abdomen. At the age of 10 days, worker bees produce plenty of wax and when they are 20 days old the wax glands wane.

Plastic foundation is available in sheets that are inserted into frames. Other plastic frames come as complete frames. They come in different cell sizes, have varying cell depths, and can be coated with beeswax, or made of plain plastic. They tend to be easy to fit in or use and are less susceptible to damage when compared to wood or wax frame. Though plastic frames offer more advantages, the bees tend to dislike them when compared to wood and wax. And it’s easy to understand why – it is not natural.

Earlier versions of plastic frames did not appeal to bees but current ones have been getting relatively more attractive and with a little support you can get them drawn within a shorter time.

With that said, here’s how you can encourage honeybees to draw out comb on plastic foundation:

  1. Spray the plastic foundation with sugar water. This will help encourage the bees to draw out the foundation.
  2. You can also melt beeswax and use this to re-coat the plastic foundation. This will attract bees to it.
  3. Place plain wax foundation next to undrawn plastic foundation. Since the bees prefer the beeswax foundation, they will focus on these until they are fully utilized after which they will draw the empty plastic foundation.
  4. There are situations whereby all undrawn plastic frames are used in a super. In most cases, the bees will build what is referred to as brace comb. This refers to the process whereby the bees will link two frames together. The bees may also ignore the plastic foundation and build a new foundation just a few steps away from the plastic. If this happens, you should shake them off these frames and remove the unwanted beeswax. Use this to spray over the plastic foundation. This will encourage the bees to draw out the plastic foundation.

Issues with Bees Building Comb on Top of Frames

Honeybees are intelligent insects and nothing will ever happen in the hive by chance. The phenomenon where bees build comb on top frames is just too common and this will happen for a number of reasons.

  • Whenever the space between the frames and the lid is in excess the bees will utilize this space. This might be attributed to the fact that bees will utilize every resource available and this includes any idle space. The ideal space between the lid and upper frames should always be kept at 3/8 inches or less.
  • Another reason that might drive the bees to build comb on top of the upper frames is when all boxes are used up and there is no more space to use. They will then be forced to build frames on top of frames.
  • In some instances, there might be an empty frame but the bees will still overlook this and build comb on top of frames. This might happen based on where the frame is located. At times, the bees might dislike a frame based on where it is located. To resolve this, you need to switch the empty frame with another so as to encourage the bees to come in.


We can all attest to the fact that we love the bees and we desire to help the bees in every way possible. However, at times we are driven by the need to have more honey instead of considering the welfare of the bees. In this regard, we end up controlling the bees instead of managing them. The best way to encourage honeybees to build comb is by working hand-in-hand with their natural tendencies. Bees should build combs when they need to and are ready. It will only be much better if you work together with bees in building the combs.



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About Michael Simmonds

Michael Simmonds is an American beekeeper with more than two decades of experience in beekeeping. His journey with bees began in his youth, sparking a lifelong passion that led him to start his own apiary at the tender age of 15. Throughout the years, Simmonds has refined his beekeeping skills and has accumulated a wealth of knowledge concerning honeybee biology and behavior. Simmonds' early exposure to beekeeping ignited a fascination with these pollinators, influencing his decision to establish BeeKeepClub in 2016. The website was created with the aim to serve as the ultimate resource for beginners interested in beekeeping. Under Simmonds' guidance, BeeKeepClub provides comprehensive information to novices, including the basics of beekeeping, the different types of bees and hives, the selection of hive locations, and the necessary beekeeping equipment. In addition, the site offers detailed reviews of beekeeping tools to help enthusiasts make informed decisions and get the best value for their investment​​. His contributions to the beekeeping community through BeeKeepClub are substantial, offering both educational content and practical advice. The website covers a wide array of topics, from starting an apiary to harvesting honey, all reflecting Simmonds' extensive experience and passion for the field. Simmonds’ approach is hands-on and educational, focusing on the importance of understanding bees and the environment in which they thrive. His work not only guides beginners through their beekeeping journey but also reflects a commitment to the well-being of bees. Michael Simmonds has dedicated a significant part of his life to bees and beekeeping, and through BeeKeepClub, he has made this knowledge accessible to a broader audience. His work undoubtedly embodies a blend of expertise, authority, and trustworthiness in the realm of beekeeping.
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David Butler
David Butler
5 years ago

So much to learn. But I love watching them working. We have native black Irish bees from wild swarms. They don’t really like keeping extra honey, but we get enough for the house. I’m happy with that. I’m planning on making up a long hive, similar to wild tree trunk hives I used to see in Africa. They might be happier then. !?
Thanks for the articles, I find them most interesting.

Lloyd Elliott
Lloyd Elliott
5 years ago
Reply to  David Butler

A well- written article, I have learned so much, you made my day, I thank you for your help

5 years ago

As a new beekeeper this article was very helpful.. Have received conflicting advise about ‘ feeding’ .a new hive/ or any hive for that matter… found this article explained it the best. Thank you

Harry Arnold
Harry Arnold
5 years ago

Varroa Mite Control
Useing a Fogger and Blockier beteen suppers ? is how long should I leave blocker in place, after treament and what would or should be the time frame beteen treatments?

5 years ago

This is superb article

The Bees Process Of Drawing Out Comb [BEE AMAZED!] – Grampa's Honey
3 years ago
Characteristics of the Worker Bee - BeeKeepClub
1 year ago

[…] age 12 days to 18 days, after which it degenerates and the worker bee no longer does the work of building combs. Wax is produced as a liquid and transforms into hard flakes or scales and is kept in wax […]

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[…] devote plenty of their time building combs, collecting nectar and pollen, and making honey. This takes much effort, however modern hive makes […]

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[…] of the truth that the point of interest all through the primary 12 months within the colony is on construction combs. It takes effort to make wax; on common to make a pound of wax, bees require 11 kilos of nectar. […]

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