Importance of Beehive Frames in Beekeeping

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Modern beekeeping puts to use beehive frames of varying types. Frames allow bees to make maximum use of the available space within the hive. The best beehive frames for sale are suited for different sizes of hives and give your honeybees a head-start in their honey production process. Using frames is better than leaving bees to build honeycomb attached to the sides of the hive. They make it easier to harvest honey and other beehive products of interest to the beekeeper.

The Different Types of Beehive Frames Available

  1. Frames for modern beehives are mainly made using wood and plastic, and make beekeeping a breeze. Bee hive frames may be used with foundation or without foundation.
  2. The foundation used by beekeepers is either wax foundation or plastic foundation. Some beekeepers also use plastic foundation coated with wax in their beekeeping.
  3. The variations between beehive frames also extend to the shape of the upper section of the frame. It can be flat or wedge-shaped.
  4. The depth of frames is also an important consideration for beekeepers. Frames for deep beehive boxes extend downwards further than those for use in medium or shallow beehive boxes.
  5. All wooden or plastic beehive frames for Langstroth beehives are of a standard length and width.

The New Kid on the Block – Honey Flow Frames

Developments in beekeeping technology have led to the emergence of the Flow frames. These are frames that make use of the patented Flow technology. This technology allows beekeepers to harvest honey without taking frames out of the bee hive and without the need for a honey extractor. It causes minimal disturbance to bees and reduces the risk beekeepers face during honey harvesting. Additionally, Flow frames give bees less work repairing honeycomb after honey harvesting.

  • Using Flow frames in beekeeping comes with the added advantage of observation windows which help beekeepers keep an eye on the state of the beehive while opening up the beehive less frequently.
  • Flow frames are not suitable for brooding. It is best to use them in honey storage in super boxes.
  • Due to being made of plastic, Flow frames are not susceptible to damage by wax moth and bee hive beetle larvae that burrow through honey comb.


With that said, let us now discuss the best bee hive frames for sale right now.

Overview of the Best Beehive Frames

10. Honey Keeper Beehive 10-Pack Deep Frame Kit with Foundation

Best Beehive Frames for Sale - Honey Keeper Beehive 10-Pack Deep Frame Kit with Foundation

This pack of 10 frames is made by Honey Keeper and they are made for deep bee hive boxes. The frames show great craftsmanship in their construction and are made high quality wood and plastic. The outer part of the frame is made of wood while the included foundation is made of plastic.

Honey Keeper Beehive 10 deep frames are sold unassembled. All the pieces required are included in the purchase package. Nails for adding reinforcement to joints are also included. When putting together these frames, it is best that you pre-drill holes for the nails. This helps you avoid splitting the wooded bits of the frames. Both beginner and experienced beekeepers with a few home tools can easily put the frames together. The foundation provided is also without wax coating.

When fully assembled, these frames are great for deep beehive boxes. They are suitable for brood boxes and deep honey super boxes. The frames are 10 in number. This allows you to fill a 10-frame Langstroth beehive box fully with frames. For beekeepers with 8-frame beehive setups, the 2 extra frames are great as spares. They can be used to replace damaged frames in your beehives.


  • These are many frames sold in a single pack. The pack is enough for a beehive box and leaves extra frames when you are using an 8-frame Langstroth beehive setup.
  • Honey Keeper beehive frame 10-deep frames are self-assembly frames. They are shipped unassembled and rarely suffer damage to the individual parts.


  • Foundation supplied for these frames is not coated with wax. Beekeepers have to coat the foundation with bees wax before placing the frames in the beehive. Bees take to plastic foundation coated with wax quickly and start making honeycomb on the foundation.
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9. Little Giant Farm & Ag MFRLITE 5-Pack Medium Hive Frames

Best Beehive Frames for Sale - Little Giant Farm & Ag MFRLITE 5-Pack Medium Hive Frames

The Little Giant Farm & Ag MFRLite bee hive frames come in a pack of 5. They are made using unfinished pine wood which is very suitable for use in beehives. The frames are nicely put together with strong joints reinforced with nails. They show excellent craftsmanship and come ready to use.

The MFRLITE frames are made for a standard 10-frame Langstroth beehive. Each frame in the set measures 9-¼ x 7 x 7 inches. These frames have a medium depth which makes them great for medium sized bee hive boxes.

These Little Giant Farm & Ag MFRLITE frames come with plastic foundation installed on them. The foundation is coated with wax on both sides to make it readily accepted by bees. This gives your honeybees a quick start in building honeycomb and subsequently storing honey. The Little Giant Farm & Ag MFRLite bee hive frames are suitable for use in your honey super boxes.

The frames are made by Little Giant Farm & Ag, which is a manufacturer and seller of many beekeeping products. Beekeepers using these bee hive frames are assured of quality due to the strict and reliable quality assurance measures by Little Giant. The frames last for long and can take some rough handling without breaking.


  • The MFRLITE frames are built using quality materials and nicely put together. They fit well in your medium depth bee hive boxes and are readily accepted by bees. The frames come fully assembled so you do not need additional tools or work on the frames.
  • These frames come with plastic foundation coated with bees wax. The foundation makes the frames durable since it does not break during honey extraction even when subjected to high RPMs of your honey extractor.


  • The foundation used in these frames makes bees build cells of a predetermined size. Beekeepers wishing to have larger or smaller cell sizes do not have a choice. It is not advisable to take the frames apart to install your own foundation of your preferred cell size.
  • To fill a 10-frame beehive box with these frames, beekeepers have to buy two packs.
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8. Official Flow Frame Classic 7

Best Beehive Frames for Sale - Official Flow Frame Classic 7

The Official Flow Frame Classic 7 are specifically designed the easy harvesting of honey. They save the beekeeper from having to open up the hive and remove beehive frames for honey extraction. These frames make use of Flow technology. The 7-frame pack is suitable for use in a 10-frame Langstroth beehive setup. Beekeepers purchasing this set of 7 flow frames get a Flow key and honey tubes for use during honey harvesting.

Using these Flow frames is easy for both experienced and beginner beekeepers. The frames come with a printed manual that details their use and how to operate the Flow key to harvest honey. These frames are great when used with a Flow hive with observation windows. Beekeepers can easily observe when bees have filled the frames with honey ready for harvesting.

These official Flow frames are made using plastic. The plastic is food-grade to keep the honey collected using the frames safe for human consumption. Due to eliminating the need to open the hive and remove beehive frames, these frames are very friendly to bees. They see very few bees squashed during honey extraction and reduce the risk of getting stung by bees.


  • These frames are great for honey collection and harvesting. They can be used with ease in Langstroth beehives. The frames allow easy and quick extraction of honey. Beekeepers are also safer since they cause minimal disturbance to bees. The bees barely notice the intrusion into their space.
  • Food grade plastic is used to make official Flow frame classic 7 beehive frames. Beekeepers are sure they are harvesting and selling safe honey for human consumption. These frames are also very hygienic since they are not often handled and are thus less exposed to possible contaminants.


  • These honey flow frames are designed for only one type of beehive. Beekeepers with Langstroth beehives that have not been configured to be Flow hives are not suited to use these frames.
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7. Pierco Inc. 9-inch 10-Pack Deep Plastic Frames, Double Waxed

Best Beehive Frames for Sale - Pierco Inc. 9-inch Deep Plastic Frames Double Waxed

Pierco Inc offers beekeepers these 9-inch long beehive frames for Langstroth beehives. The frames are waxed on both sides to make them easily accepted by bees. They are made with a proprietary blend of plastic that is food safe. It ensures that beehive products from your beekeeping are safe for human consumption. These Pierco bee hive frames are designed for use in deep bee hive boxes, and are great for brood boxes.

Bee hive frames with plastic foundation are a great measure against beehive beetles and wax moth larvae. The larvae cannot burrow through plastic and so infestations are limited to one side of the frame. This makes it easier to identify and manage infestations of these honey bee pests. The frames have a consistent cell size of 5.2 mm. It gives large bees that have higher productivity within the colony.

These frames are great as spares for replacing damaged frames, and for swapping with your other frames in rotations for pest and disease management.


  • Wax on both sides of the Pierco frames gives bees a quick start when building honeycomb. The wax is sourced in the USA and is all natural bees wax.
  • Food safe materials are used in making the frames. The frames show excellent construction, are sturdy and last for long.
  • These frames work well with both beginner and the more experienced beekeepers using Langstroth beehive setups in their apiaries.


  • Pierco frames are made using plastic. Beekeepers preferring natural materials in their beehives may find the frames not very suitable for their preferences.
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6. Little Giant Farm & Ag DFRBLACK 5-Pack Deep Frames

Best Beehive Frames for Sale - Little Giant Farm & Ag DFRBLACK 5-Pack Deep Frames

The Little Giant DFRBLACK frames are wooden frames with plastic foundation. The foundation on the frames is coated with wax to make it readily accepted by bees. These frames come in a pack of 5 deep hive box frames. The pack is great for beekeepers aiming to fill beehive boxes with frames or looking to have some extra frames to replace damaged frames. These frames come fully assembled, ready to be placed in the beehive box. You do not need additional setup or tools to get the frames ready for use.

The DFRBLACK frames are made for deep beehive boxes. They are great for use in a 10-frame Langstroth beehive setup. Beekeepers filling an empty beehive box need to buy two packs of these frames. This is because the frames are sold in packs of 5. The sides of the Little Giant Farm & Ag DFRBLACK frames are made using unfinished pine. It is a type of wood that is great for use with bees.

Great craftsmanship is seen in the DFRBLACK frames. They have nice reinforced joints and are put together well. The foundation used is black and well inserted into the frames. It does not move around or have dips in the surface. Black foundation used on these deep bee hive box frames makes it easy to see brood activity. It makes the frames especially suited for their use in honeybee brood boxes.


  • These frames come in a pack of 5 frames. Beekeepers have the option of using them as replacement frames, or can buy 2 packs to fill a 10-frame deep beehive box with the frames.
  • Black wax-coated plastic foundation used in these frames makes them easily accepted by bees and allows the beekeeper to see brood activity well.
  • DFRBLACK frames come ready to use in the beehive. The frames are great for use by beginner beekeepers that may have a difficult time putting together beehive frames.


  • To fill a 10-frame beehive box with these frames, beekeepers have to buy two packs.
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5. Mann Lake WW926 10-Pack Assembled Commercial Frames with Waxed Natural Rite-Cell Foundation

Best Beehive Frames for Sale - Mann Lake WW926 10-Pack Assembled Commercial Frames with Waxed Natural Rite-Cell Foundation

These frames are fully assembled with Mann Lake’s Rite-Cell foundation. It is waxed to have bees start drawing comb over it quickly. The frames feature bars on their perimeter, which are well joined and are precision cut. The joints on these frames are glued together and stapled. You may further reinforce them with small nails or screws after purchase, if you so desire.

Each pack of the Mann Lake WW926 frames has 10 frames. These are enough to fill a 10-frame Langstroth bee hive box. They are also a good number for beekeepers aiming to have replacement frames for their beehives. The frames are a popular choice for many beekeepers. They are a good solution for when you want to quickly put bees to work in a honey super box and do not have the time to put together the beehive frames from scratch.

The Mann Lake WW926 assembled frames are standard size frames and work well with uncapping tools. They measure 19 inches in length and have a width of 1.38 inches. The height of each frame is 6-¼ inches.

Mann Lake is a reputed manufacturer of beekeeping equipment so beekeepers buying these frames are assured of quality. The frames work well in medium depth super boxes. They can be used by both experienced and beginner beekeepers.


  • The Mann Lake WW926 frames come fully assembled with foundation installed on them. The foundation is waxed and ready to go.
  • These frames are well designed and assembled. They show excellent craftsmanship and fit well into medium depth Langstroth beehive boxes. The wood and other materials for making the frames are precision cut to make sure they fit together and that the frames are of the right size.
  • These frames are made by a reliable beekeeping equipment manufacturer and they last long.


  • The wax put on the foundation used in these frames is not enough. Beekeepers using the frames have to add beeswax.
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4. Acorn Bee 10-Pack Medium Plastic Frames

Best Beehive Frames for Sale - Acorn Bee 10-Pack Medium Plastic Frames

This Acorn Bee frames are designed for medium sized bee hive boxes. They are made using food grade plastic and have foundation installed on them. Beehive products harvested using these Acorn Bee frames are safe for human consumption. Using plastic on the frames gives them long life. The frames are also great at helping slow down infestations of burrowing pests of honey bees. Larvae of hive beetles and wax moths have a hard time burrowing through the plastic foundation on these frames.

These plastic frames are great for honey harvesting. The frames are made with a super strong ear design that keeps their shape over time. Additionally, the foundation used features precision molded cells. Bees only have to draw a little comb over the frames and then cap them. These frames work well with most uncapping tools.

Beekeepers using these Acorn Bee medium plastic frames can easily observe beehive activity on the frames. The frames are black in color to give a contrasting background to bees and wax which is white in color. These frames are packaged in a pack of 10. It allows beekeepers to fill a bee hive box with a single pack. The pack also gives enough frames for beekeepers looking to have a few frames around to replace those that may get damaged.


  • These frames are blackened. Beekeepers are able to see beehive activity easily. Additionally, the frames come with foundation to give bees a head-start in drawing comb and storing honey.
  • Precision molded cells on the foundation of these frames helps bees build uniformly sized cells. The cells give better yields of honey per frame.


  • Beekeepers may have to add some beeswax on the surfaces of these frames.
  • Naturalist beekeepers that do not want plastic in their beehives are not very well suited to use these Acorn Bee frames.
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3. Harvest Lane Honey 5-Pack Deep Bee Frames

Best Beehive Frames for Sale - Harvest Lane Honey 5-Pack Deep Bee Frames

Harvest Lane Honey is a reputable beekeeping supplies manufacturer. The company has many beekeeping products in the market for beekeepers to use. Their deep/lower ground bee frames are of great quality. They last long and are well built. The frames show excellent craftsmanship and deliver on their promise as top-notch brood frames. These frames are made for use in deep bee hive boxes for brooding or honey harvesting. The frames are built to Langstroth beehive dimensions and can be used in both 8-frame and 10-frame beehive setups.

The use of foundation on beehive frames is common practice in beekeeping. The Harvest Lane Honey deep frames are made with foundation on them. The foundation is plastic foundation coated with wax. Wood is used to make the outer parts of the frames. It is great for bees since they love wood in the beehive as it reflects their natural environment. The frames come in a pack of 5. They can be used as spare frames or for fresh deep bee hive boxes being installed in a beehive.

These Harvest Lane Honey frames great for areas with frequent hive beetle and wax moth infestations. Plastic foundation used in the frames curbs spread of these pests of honey bees. The larvae find it difficult to burrow through the plastic. This way, infestations spread slowly and give the beekeeper more time to identify and control the infestation.


  • These frames are simply constructed yet very strong. They do not need further reinforcement by the beekeeper.
  • The frames last for long and are excellent for rearing brood.
  • Installation of foundation in the frames is a great foresight by Harvest Lane Honey. The foundation is coated with wax. It makes the frames readily accepted by honeybees.


  • The wax applied on these frames may not be adequate on some sections of the frames. Beekeepers finding such inconsistencies have to source for beeswax and apply it on the frames.
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2. Mann Lake PF126 10-Pack Standard Wax Coated Plastic Frames

Best Beehive Frames for Sale - Mann Lake PF126 10-Pack Standard Wax Coated Plastic Frames

The Mann Lake PF 126 10-Pack frames are for use in medium beehive boxes. The frames are made using plastic and have plastic foundation installed on them. The foundation is coated with beeswax. These frames are made using food grade plastic so the honey you harvest from them is safe for human consumption. Using plastic on the entire frame also saves beekeepers the need to rewire frames or replace them frequently due to wearing out. These Mann Lake frames also help with controlling the spread of honey bee parasites especially wax moths and hive beetles.

The frames do not break or lose their foundation during honey extraction. They also work well with most hot and cold uncapping tools used in beekeeping.

The foundation installed in these frames makes bees build cells of 4.9 mm cell size. The cells are small which appeases some beekeepers. These frames are colored a natural color that mimics natural comb. Each frame measures 19 inches long, 1.38 inches wide and have a depth of 6-¼ inches. These are great frames that can be used to collect honey in beehives. You can also use them to store unextracted honey.


  • The Mann Lake PF126 plastic frames are well constructed and durable. They protect you from the challenges encountered with wooden frames. The frames also work well with honey extractors and allow faster extraction of honey.
  • These frames come fully assembled and ready to install in your beehives. A pack of 10 frames is great for beekeepers setting up a new beehive box. It also gives enough frames when you are aiming at having spare frames to use in swapping during honey extraction.


  • These frames are for medium beehive boxes. They cannot be used in Flow hives. Additionally, the frames are of no use when wintering bees since they are not suitable for use in deep boxes.
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1. Pierco Inc. 6-inch 30-Pack Medium Plastic Frames Waxed

Best Beehive Frames - Pierco Inc. 6-inch 30-Pack Medium Plastic Frames Waxed

Pierco’s 6-inch plastic frames are medium beehive frames for honey super boxes. The plastic frames come with foundation installed on them. Wax is applied on the foundation to make bees readily accept the frames. These Pierco frames are sold in a pack of 30 and are colored black. It helps beekeepers easily see activity on the frames such as building of honey cells and storage of honey. These frames are for standard Langstroth beehives and fit in well into your medium sized beehive boxes.

The construction of these Pierco medium frames is good. They make use of Pierco’s proprietary blend of food safe plastic. No further assembly is required of beekeepers once they purchase these frames. The top bars are strengthened to make it easy to handle. They are also capable of taking some minor rough handling in their stride.

Using plastic on these frames helps them resist damage by rodents and wax moth larvae. They also resist the burrowing activity of hive beetle larvae that often damages wax comb. The frames give good cell depth for maximum yield of honey. These frames will fill beehive boxes and act as reserve frames in large apiaries.


  • The pack of 30 beehive frames is a great bargain for beekeepers with many boxes to fill with frames. They are suitable for large apiaries and can be swapped with the frames you remove from beehives for pest control or during honey harvesting.
  • These Pierco’s 6-inch frames are great for use in medium sized honey super boxes. They come with foundation coated with beeswax. Your honey bees have an easy time adding comb to the frames and storing honey in the frames,


  • These frames are made using plastic. In the event of rough handling that leads to breakage, repairing the frames may not be possible. This is unlike wooden frames that have broken bars taken out and replaced.
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Using beehive frames is easy for both beginner and experienced beekeepers. They come in sizes suitable for all standard beehive box depths. The number of frames that will fit into a beehive box depends on whether it is an 8-frame or 10-frame bee hive. You can use any of these best beehive frames for sale to get best yields in beekeeping. They make beehive management easy and give you good value for your investment.

Do you have any of the beehive frames listed in this article? Leave a comment below and let us know your thoughts on it.

About Michael Simmonds

Michael Simmonds is an American beekeeper with more than two decades of experience in beekeeping. His journey with bees began in his youth, sparking a lifelong passion that led him to start his own apiary at the tender age of 15. Throughout the years, Simmonds has refined his beekeeping skills and has accumulated a wealth of knowledge concerning honeybee biology and behavior. Simmonds' early exposure to beekeeping ignited a fascination with these pollinators, influencing his decision to establish BeeKeepClub in 2016. The website was created with the aim to serve as the ultimate resource for beginners interested in beekeeping. Under Simmonds' guidance, BeeKeepClub provides comprehensive information to novices, including the basics of beekeeping, the different types of bees and hives, the selection of hive locations, and the necessary beekeeping equipment. In addition, the site offers detailed reviews of beekeeping tools to help enthusiasts make informed decisions and get the best value for their investment​​. His contributions to the beekeeping community through BeeKeepClub are substantial, offering both educational content and practical advice. The website covers a wide array of topics, from starting an apiary to harvesting honey, all reflecting Simmonds' extensive experience and passion for the field. Simmonds’ approach is hands-on and educational, focusing on the importance of understanding bees and the environment in which they thrive. His work not only guides beginners through their beekeeping journey but also reflects a commitment to the well-being of bees. Michael Simmonds has dedicated a significant part of his life to bees and beekeeping, and through BeeKeepClub, he has made this knowledge accessible to a broader audience. His work undoubtedly embodies a blend of expertise, authority, and trustworthiness in the realm of beekeeping.
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Hive Covers for Langstroth Beehives
10 months ago

[…] is one of the four major components of a beehive. The other three includes the bottom board, the frames, and the honey supers. The hive cover comes as either inner or outer cover. The inner cover […]

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