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Beekeepers must be wary of a number of threats that may affect their honeybee colonies. Mann Lake has a solution for wax moths and other honeybee pests in the products they offer to beekeepers. The Mann Lake DC130 Para-Moth Wax Moth Control comes in a one-pound canister that Mann Lake promises will clear your beehive boxes of wax moths. Let’s check it out and see if it will live up to this promise.
About the Mann Lake DC130 Para-Moth Wax Moth Control
The Mann Lake DC130 Para-Moth Wax Moth Control is a simple-to-use solution for both amateur and professional beekeepers. It comes in a white container with instructions for use printed on the side. A little application of the wax moth control gives you excellent results in a short period of time. For the average treatment, 6 tablespoons are adequate for every 5 deep or 9 shallow beehive boxes. Using the wax moth control requires you to remove beehive boxes from the hive and stack them together. Place the para-moth insecticide on the frames or bars of the uppermost beehive box in your stack. Beekeepers should cover the stacked boxes with a tarp or other suitable material.
After application of the Para-Moth Wax Moth Control, beekeepers are advised to air their boxes for a few days. This allows the insecticide to dissipate and clear from the beehives. You should NOT use the wax moth control on boxes that have honey or are still in use in your beehive.
Keeping bees for their honey and conservation purposes needs beekeepers to take good care of them. The Para-Moth Wax Moth Control works well in your integrated pest control in your apiary. The insecticide powder clears wax moths in up to 5 deep supers or 9 shallow honey supers in a stack. Beekeepers with a large number of boxes to treat may have more than one stack of beehive boxes at a time.
You may integrate other methods in your wax moth control plan alongside the Mann Lake DC130 Para-Moth Wax Moth Control. Such methods that do not employ chemicals but are effective when used alongside treatment include:
- Airing beehive boxes in a crisscross stack for a number of days. This is especially effective in cold areas.
- Placing boxes in a well-lit place. Adult moths prefer dark spaces to well-lit areas.
- Freezing comb overnight and then placing it in airtight storage containers.
How Wax Moths Affect the Beehive
Wax moths in beehives destroy comb destroy brood. They can do a lot of damage in a short period of time if left unchecked. Bees in a colony eject the larvae of the wax moth from hives. It is the natural way of keeping their home free of the wax moth. When a colony is weakened, wax moths may infest the hive and cause havoc. Using periodic wax moth treatment in your hives prevents the moths from ever reaching too large populations that can overwhelm your bee colony.
Two types of wax moths are of interest to beekeepers. They are the lesser wax moth and the greater wax moth. The Mann Lake DC130 Para-Moth Wax Moth Control is suitable for use in controlling both types of wax moths. The moths enter a hive at night and lay eggs. The eggs hatch in 3 days when there are warm conditions. Hatched larvae of wax moths eat beeswax. Wax moth infestation of beehives leads to damage of honeybee cells that have honeybee larvae in them. Moth larvae have been noted to prefer comb that has held brood and which may have pollen in it. With the absence of such comb, they may eat drawn comb.
The damage that wax moths cause in a hive may also extend to the beehive itself. After feeding, wax moth larvae form cocoons. They eat away at the inner wooden surfaces of your beehive boxes to create a place they can form a cocoon. With time, this weakens your beehive and creates a wavy surface that is not pleasant to bees. It requires your honey bees to fill the spaces that may be created. This diverts bees and hive resources from brood rearing and honey production. Treating your beehives using the Mann Lake DC130 Para-Moth Wax Moth Control helps you to get rid of the nuisance of wax moths and their larvae. It allows your honeybees to focus on their usual hive activities.
Check Price and Availability of the Mann Lake DC130 Para-Moth Wax Moth Control
Pros and Cons
- The wax moth control is effective with proper application.
- There are no ill effects on bees due to the use of this wax moth control.
- Comes in an adequate amount per purchase of the canister. The wax moth treatment has a long shelf life with proper storage.
- The wax moth control gives off a faint smell. It may not be used in a closed environment where people are often visiting.
Further Thoughts
The Mann Lake DC130 Para-Moth Wax Moth Control is a quality product from a reputable company. It is a great alternative to more traditional methods of controlling wax moths such as freezing. Beekeepers may use the insecticide alongside overnight freezing of infested comb. Healthy strong colonies are easily able to repel wax moth attacks on their own. Beekeepers should also make sure that there is not too much space in the beehive, more than your bees can patrol. Taking boxes off beehives when they are not in use ensures that there is not too much space in your beehive.
The Mann Lake DC130 Para-Moth Wax Moth Control contains Para-Dichlorobenzene. It should be used with protective gear such as a face mask. Inhalation or swallowing the wax moth control should be avoided. The wax moth treatment should be stored safely and away from the reach of children. In cases of inhalation or swallowing, beekeepers may note irritation to the skin, throat, and eyes. In severe cases, liver and kidney damage may occur. The treatment is however safe to use in beehives. With the adequate airing of boxes after treatment with the Para-Moth Wax Moth Control, the active ingredients clear from the beehive boxes and you are able to harvest honey that is safe for human consumption.
Have you used the Mann Lake DC130 Para-Moth Wax Moth Control in your beehives? Leave a comment below and let us know what you think of it.
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[…] Para-Moth is a commercially sold powder product for wax moth control in stored supers. It is manufactured by Mann Lake. Six tablespoons of the Para-Moth solution are placed on a paper plate in the middle of stacked beehive boxes. Each stack is recommended to be five deep beehive boxes or six medium sized beehive boxes. The stack is covered using a tarp or other appropriate weatherproof cover. You should air the beehive boxes before use, after you’ve taken them out of storage. […]