What is the Role of a Bee Broker?

Bee Broker

Explore the unique and crucial role of a bee broker in the world of beekeeping with our article. It delves into the responsibilities and services provided by bee brokers, including the coordination of bee sales and rentals for pollination. Understanding the function of a bee broker is key for beekeepers looking to expand their operations or for farmers requiring pollination services.

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How to Make Langstroth Beehive Frames

How to Make Langstroth Beehive Frames

Langstroth beehives are synonymous with modern beekeeping. From the invention of the beehive, it has gripped the beekeeping industry like a giant. The iconic beehive provides a great home for honey bee colonies when built well. It is divided into the lower section, beehive boxes and the upper section. Langstroth beehives have several components that are held in it including beehive frames. This article guides you on how to make Langstroth beehive frames. The frames are held in beehive boxes that make up a beehive stack. We will look at deep beehive box frames, medium and shallow beehive box frames. The frames you make can be used in both 8-frame and 10-frame Langstroth beehive setups.

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What is the Kashmir Bee Virus (KBV)?

Kashmir Bee Virus

🐝 Attention Beekeepers: The Kashmir Bee Virus (KBV) is a silent but deadly threat to our buzzing friends. This guide uncovers the insidious nature of KBV, which often lies dormant until stress factors like Varroa mites trigger its lethal potential. Learn how to spot the signs, manage risks, and protect your colonies from this virulent pathogen. There's no direct cure, but with the right knowledge and management practices, you can keep your hives healthy. Dive into our comprehensive article for all the details. 🌼🔍 #Beekeeping #KashmirBeeVirus #BeeHealth #VarroaMites #BeeSafe #ApiaryLife

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Protecting Honey Bees from Asian Giant Hornets

Protecting Honey Bees from Asian Giant Hornets - Giant Hornet Predator Attacking Bees as a Murder hornet or Asian giant insect that kills honeybees as an animal concept for an invasive speciesin a 3D illustration style.

Asian giant hornets pose a serious threat to the declining bee population within the United States, and scientists have now raised their concerns. What is particularly surprising is the fact that no one understands how the insect came to the US in the first place. And it is worrying that it might spread to other states. How then do you protect yourself and your honey bees? Read on to find out.

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