How to Build a Beehive Moving Screen

Build a Beehive Moving Screen

Beehive moving screens are needed when transporting honey bee colonies. You can purchase one from beekeeping equipment sellers or make one yourself. Buying an already made beehive moving screen or making one is a decision that is up to the individual beekeeper to make. Of course, if you are good at woodworking, then building your own beekeeping equipment when you can, gives you the best assurance of quality and durability. You can also customize the beehive moving screen to suit your unique needs better. Customizing any pre-made beekeeping equipment that you buy, requires making modifications that could result in voiding warranties and affecting the life of the equipment. Here is a guide on how to build a beehive moving screen and how to use it.

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How to Make a Homemade Honey Extractor

Homemade Honey Extractor

The honey extractor is perhaps one of the beekeeping equipment that comes last in any beekeeper’s plan when getting started in beekeeping. Nonetheless, you can never do without it once the bees begin to generate the fruits of your hard labor - the honey. There are ways to make your own homemade honey extractor using locally available resources. This not only saves money but it takes the least effort and will work just like a commercial honey extractor.

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Bee Louse Treatment – Tips and Advice

The Bee Louse - Braula Coeca

The bee louse is a parasitic pest of honey bees. It is often found on the head of the bee in an infestation. This is because the pest feeds on honey as well nectar from the mouth-parts of honey bees. Bee lice reproduce in the beehive. Their larvae burrow through honey comb and can cause a lot of losses in both brood and stored honey. Avoiding such losses is important in beekeeping. Severe infestations by the bee louse cost you your beehive products and weaken the honey bee colony. This guide leads you through understanding infestations and as well as providing tips and advice for bee louse treatment.

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Tropilaelaps Mite Treatment for Honey Bees

Tropilaelaps Mite Treatment

Honey bee colonies are susceptible to a variety of pests and diseases. Mites represent one of the biggest threats around the world, with different mite species parasitizing different bee species. One species of mite that parasitizes the honey bee is the Tropilaelaps mite. This mite, unlike other species, has received very little attention because it is less common and has been mainly found in Asia. However, today they are gaining attention as they have become a threat all over the world. This article sheds light on this parasitic mite and also explores Tropilaelaps mite treatment in beekeeping.

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Top 10 Best Beehive Moving and Robbing Screens

Best Beehive Moving and Robbing Screens

Foraging by honeybees does not bring in resources all the time. When nectar is not abundant in the environment, honeybees can go robbing each other. Bees other beehives (natural or man-made) enter a beehive with a weak colony and take away honey. This is a problem that occurs at a small scale constantly but goes overboard when there is no nectar where honeybees forage. When robbing happens at a large scale, the affected colony of honeybees can starve to death. Beekeepers use various beehive management practices to prevent robbing. This review of the best beehive moving and robbing screens helps you choose the best screen for your beehive. It also explains the need for a screen to prevent robbing when moving bees in a beehive.

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