Robber Bees – What are They and How to Get Rid of Them?

Robber Bees

Learn about robber bees, their behavior, and effective methods to protect your beehive from these unwanted intruders. Robber bees can threaten the health and productivity of your colony, but with the right knowledge, you can take action to deter and eliminate them. Discover strategies to identify and combat robber bee attacks, including hive entrance modifications, reducing hive scent, and using robber screens. Safeguard your honeybee colony and ensure a thriving hive by understanding how to deal with these unwelcome visitors. Don't let robber bees disrupt your beekeeping journey - explore our comprehensive guide now!  

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What is Burr Comb? – Issues with Comb

What is Burr Comb

Beekeepers, are you familiar with burr comb and its challenges? Learn all about what burr comb is, why it forms in your hives, and how to manage it effectively. This article explores the common issues associated with burr comb and provides practical solutions to keep your beekeeping operation running smoothly. Don't let burr comb create headaches in your hive – get informed and take control! Check out this informative guide.

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How to Make a Queen Excluder: DIY Beekeeping

How to Make a Queen Excluder

A queen excluder is an optional beekeeping equipment and can be purchased from a wide variety of manufacturers. When you do not want to buy a queen excluder, you can make one by yourself. This article details how to make a queen excluder and highlights its main features. It also looks at the importance of this beehive component as well as the reasons beekeepers choose to use or avoid a queen excluder in their beekeeping operation. While queen excluders are used in both Langstroth and top-bar beehives, the one discussed in this article is mainly that which is used in a Langstroth beehive.

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How to Clean Beehive Frames and Foundation

How to Clean Beehive Frames and Foundation

Good hygiene is a key factor in beekeeping. In a beehive, the frames are one of the important items you should clean. Both experienced and beginner beekeepers need to know how to clean beehive frames. They can then reuse the frames in their beehives with little risk of spreading diseases and sure that they are controlling pests of honeybees. Some beehive frames are best destroyed by fire and other destruction methods. These are the frames that have contagious diseases of bee colonies such as foulbrood. It is especially important to clean beehive frames when moving them between honeybee colonies. Some colonies that appear healthy at first, may in fact harbor disease-causing organisms that can infect a weak colony. Do not put off cleaning beehive frames for any reason, especially if you plan to use them in another colony. It is great if you schedule and carry out beehive frame cleaning soon after harvesting honey. This gives your frames ample time to dry properly before the next use. You are also able to repair any damaged frames and replace those that cannot be reused; all this done in time before honey flow season.

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