Beekeeping is not only one of the most fulfilling hobbies, but it also a most rewarding venture for agriculturists. There are, however, some limiting factors, including honey bee predators, being one of the biggest challenges to beekeepers. Some of these include: beetles, rodents, wasps, ants, mammals, and birds. Poor hive management that leads to improper mitigation of these pests and predators certainly weakens the bee colony. While honey bees may instinctively keep off most of their enemies using their stinger, they sometimes require some assistance from the beekeeper. The tiny bee is a target of small to large predators making it an insurmountable task for a single colony to defend itself from all these predators and pests. Some predators eat the honey bees as a whole whereas others are parasitic, sucking the life out of the bees. In this article, we will discuss how to protect honey and mason bees from birds.
Read More »Do Dragonflies Eat Honey Bees? Are They a Threat?
Dragonflies are beautiful and intelligent creatures. The dragonfly stands as a symbol of transformation in many cultures throughout the whole world. This is the reason why they have been used as a perfect theme for a kid’s room as transformation is taking place. This is not the only transformation for kids, but also a transformation for you.
Read More »Protecting Beehives from Raccoons
Beekeepers must understand the challenges that come with their work. Keeping off predators is part of the job and it takes effort to keep bee colonies safe. It is less understood how much it takes to raise bees in terms of the time, money, and manpower invested in the business. The sweet honey in addition to other honey bee products, is a result of hard work. Predators and pests pose a serious risk to honey bees. Raccoons also referred to as “coons”, are tiny mammals that prefer to roam about at night. They are found throughout the United States but most common in dry or arid western plains. In this article, we'll discuss how to protect your beehives from raccoons.
Read More »How to Protect Honeybees from Bears
Among the many predatory animals that are bad news for honeybees, bears rank quite high. Whether a grizzly or black bear, honeybees do not look forward to the day a bear visits their beehive. At best, the bear gets to the brood quickly and eats their fill and then leaves the beehive. In most cases however, a honeybee colony is lost when a bear attacks a beehive. While the bear eats honey, its main target is usually the larvae in the brood chambers. The high protein content of larvae and honeybee eggs makes them prime targets for bears. This article looks at how bears damage beehives and the honeybee colonies in them. It also shares tips on how to protect honeybees from bears.
Read More »How to Protect Honey Bees from Ants
It is important for beekeepers to protect honey bees from ant invasions. There are a variety of methods to keep the problem in check. Beehive management incorporates these methods to keep ants from entering beehives. In this article we'll discuss how to protect honey bees from ants in your beekeeping operation.
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