Tools are important parts of every industry including beekeeping. There’s a tool in every beekeeping process. You need a certain tool when you’re starting up, a tool to create a colony, you need a tool to take care of the bees; another tool to examine the colony; you need a …
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Auto Flow Beehives: Let the Honey Flow
Auto flow beehives owe their existence to an Australian father and son duo – Stuart and Cedar Anderson, the inventors of the technology and founders of the company, Flow. Auto honey flow is a feature in modern beekeeping that allows beekeepers to harvest honey without causing much disturbance to the …
Read More »Pollen Traps: Capture Pollen Efficiently
To collect pollen, beekeepers use pollen traps. This is an equipment that is placed into the hive entrance and forces the worker bees to crawl through tiny openings as they enter the hive. These tiny openings strip the pollen from the worker bees’ legs which will then fall into a …
Read More »Uses of Wax Spur Embedders in Beekeeping
Wax spur embedders are great for wiring frames. Wired beehive frames are part of both traditional and modern beekeeping. A wired frame is strong and keeps its foundation straight. Supported foundation is readily accepted by honeybees than other foundation. Let us look at the best wax spur embedders available right …
Read More »Safe Bee Smoker Fuels For Your Bees
You have so many options to choose from when it comes to bee smoker fuel. You may be inclined to settle for any kind of fuel, but the best type would be fuel that remains lit and burns slowly while producing a cool white smoke. Natural materials are ideally the best for working on bees since they give the desired quality of smoke. The best bee smoker fuels are meant to make your work easy. Many types of fuel will produce smoke but only a few generate a cool, nice and mellow smoke. Those that produce a hot smoke will burn the bees and that is why you have to choose the best bee smoker fuel for the job. In fact, some materials generate harmful chemicals when burnt and these should be strictly avoided.
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