Bee Pest and Parasite Treatments

Like every other animal or insect, honeybees are affected by pests and parasites. Perhaps the most common enemy of the honeybee is the varroa mite.

Manufacturers have developed a variety of products to treat and get rid of these pests and parasites. Read our reviews to find the best product for your bees.

How to Get Rid of Wax Moths in Beehives

Wax Moths in Beehives - Greater Wax Moth

Honeybee colonies face a great number of threats in their beehives. The wax moth is one of the many pests that can cause damage to bee colonies. There are two types of wax moths: the lesser wax moth and the greater wax moth. Both have similar methods of causing trouble in a beehive. The greater wax moth is more prevalent in beekeeping regions, and causes more damage than the lesser wax moth. In this article we will discuss how to treat wax moths in beehives, but first, let us take a look at the wax moth itself.

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Basalt Varroosis Prevention and Treatment Tablets Review

Basalt Varroasis Prevention and Treatment Tablets

The invasive varroa mites are a serious threat to beekeepers. It is believed to have originated from the Far East where its main host is the Asian honey bee. The European bees are a target and are more susceptible to the mites. Various measures have been tested and proven to help counter the varroa mites. One such measure is the use of smoke treatment when it comes to the diagnosis, treatment and prevention of varroosis. This method is effective but requires proper timing and adherence to the recommended application procedure.

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Oxalic Acid Pure Powder for Varroosis Treatment Review

Pure Powder Oxalic Acid for Varroa Mite Treatment

Varroa mites are perhaps the most common pest devastating honey bee colonies within the US and beyond. The mite is a close relative to ticks common in livestock. This can explain why it is treated using similar products. Oxalic acid is particularly one of the products that have been tested and proven to work when it comes to the treatment of varroosis. It is an acaricide that is usually applied through three different techniques of treatment: spraying, trickling, and evaporation. It is generally effective in combating the varroa mites and is also tolerable to the honey bees. Oxalic Acid Pure Powder is a special formulation meant for the treatment of varroa mites. It helps in the elimination of other parasites found in the inter-frame space as well.

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Apivar vs Apiguard Comparison Review

Apivar vs Apiguard - Mite in a Beehive

Varroa mite control in beekeeping is important to prevent losses and colony collapse. The Varroa mite attacks both adult bees and brood, though they tend to prefer the brood of drone bees. Left unchecked, Varroa mites will prey on worker bee brood as well. Beekeepers have a number of options to use in controlling honey bee mites. This article compares two popular mite control methods - Apivar vs Apiguard. There are various companies manufacturing and selling Apivar and Apiguard under varying trade names.

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